Doppler, A Roadies View

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Planning a vacation...umm....I mean tour.

Mid week and I’m deep into piecing together the details of Mindy’s tour. I’ve spent the last two days figuring out hotels and flights. As with most tours I’m letting a travel agent book them, I get better prices that way. Still I need to figure out where and when I need them. This tour is pretty straightforward as far as that. I have a couple wrinkles to work out nothing major.

The good thing is the tour is still 3 weeks away. Is it April already?

Also Mindy's new video debut's on CMT's top 20 on March 31.

A guitar technician was finally hired yesterday. People heard we we’re looking to hire someone and next thing you know my inbox is flooded with resumes. Well not all had resumes. Some just had a name, phone number and a brief message saying I hear you are looking or a tech. I’m interested in the job.

A tip for all the roadies out there, just because most of us in this industry are blue collar, non-suit wearing people, doesn’t mean you can just say, "Hey dude hire me". A bit of a professionalism would be nice. Send a resume and please include some references.


On a personal note, a good friend and his wife had their first baby, a boy on Monday. Congratulations again to them.

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