Doppler, A Roadies View

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The classic theater

The "city" I live in has a wonderful theater, the old art deco type that were built at the turn of the 20th century. It had many good and many bad years. I believe at one point in the mid 70’s it was actually a porn theater. It was nearly torn down at one point in the early 80’s. Fortunately it has been saved and nearly restored to its original state. Actually one of only a handful of theaters of its type still left in New York State.

I love these old vaudeville theaters. The good thing is that some of them are still being used today around the world. I love touring and playing venues like these. The acoustics are great in most and that says a lot coming from a lighting guy (insert joke here.)

The other great thing is that many of these including the Smith show movies. Sure you can always go to a modern theater, with the stadium seating and THX sound. But there is something about the old theaters; they just seem more comfortable. It’s more of an experience. It’s hard to explain unless you have been to one.

I went to see the movie Sideways at the Smith last night. Yes, I enjoyed the movie, which is quite good. The ending was a bit predictable, but not bad.

It wasn’t just the movie. It was the atmosphere too. I always find myself looking around at the theater's design during the film. Now granted I have been all over this theater. I mean everywhere in the building. The production manager that was there in the late 80’s was a fellow I.A.T.S.E. member. So I worked a couple concerts and was given the grand tour on more than one occasion.

I guess like most people I don’t spend as much of my leisure time going to place like this. You know with cable television, DVD’s and the Internet in our homes. I really need to go there more often when I’m home. Hopefully more people will too.

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