Doppler, A Roadies View

Friday, May 28, 2004

It's Friday...I think

Another week has gone by and it's a holiday weekend in the US. Our government is warning us of terror attacks in our country again. Could it happen this weekend? It would seem like a perfect time for it. Will it happen? I think not.

I was hanging out with some friends yesterday. A friend of mine asked if people in the touring industry were taking any extra precautions. I told him the only thing were are worried about is when the next pay check is coming in. I will say that I'm a bit leary of touring outside North America. Not because of terrorist, but just some crazy person with a gun.

This reminds me. It was the early 90's just after the first Iraq war. I was on tour in Europe. We had a couple days in Amsterdam. Normally, this is a great thing. We had been out on the town and we stopped at a McDonald's. I was late and they were the only thing open near the hotel. We were getting a bunch of shit from a couple of middle eastern looking guys. They were saying how they hated Bush (senior of course). They just had a crazed look about them. One of the bands guys, who happened to be from Belgium (living in the US) and was drunk got into a shouting match with them. At the time it didn't seem like a big deal. Of course with things today that situation would be a bigger deal.

Looking back, I wonder if these guys were actually part of some group or just pissed off Europeans.

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