Doppler, A Roadies View

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Did you hear that noise..........?.....

It was the sound of the religious zealots sighing. Today of course is 6/6/2006...yep 666. The day the world was to end. Armageddon. Well looks like they were wrong again.

Ok I'm not big on religion. Not that I'm against it, I just think it causes more problems than it helps, much of the time.

So I was driving around earlier this evening, you know running errands. I decided to dig out some +++SLAYER+++. I turned it up really loud just to see if I got any reaction. You have to understand I live in an area where a lot of people drive around listening to rap and hip hop REALLLLLLLYYYYY LOUD!!!!!

I had a couple people give me a weird look at a stop light. I should have given them the horns \m/

I miss the heavy metal days.

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