Doppler, A Roadies View

Monday, March 07, 2005

Not another remake

I noticed this on a message board today. Some genious in Hollywood has decided to remake the movie, The Bad News Bears.

Billy Bob Thorton is playing Buttermaker the coach. I like some of his movies, Bad Santa, Slingblade and Pushing Tin. I just don't see why they need to remake one of Walter Matthau's funniest and most memorable roles.

Now I was around 13 when the original was released, so I guess I have a soft spot for it. Of course the original, still to this day, is a funny and entertaining movie to watch. I just hate when they remake some of the great originals.

They remade another of my favorite movies The In-Laws. The original which featured Peter Faulk and Alan Arkin, a very funny and underrated movie. I never saw the remake, why should I.

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